live ur life, read mine (or just the parts i'm willing to share with you- a girls gotta have some privacy)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


my cousin just came home. grabbed a vodka bottle. informed everyone that he was getting back at 2 am. then promptly left.
and no one objected.
but i guess he IS slightly older.

only i can't even imagine myself in a couple of years from now doing the same thing. *sigh*

Thursday, July 06, 2006

my extensive dieting routine

This whole diet thing is not working.
So far I have eaten:

More Breakfast (around an hour later)
Lunch (Kebab wrap... yes with a lot of mayonaise in it)
+ 3 donuts (wait, CHOCOLATE glazed donuts- yes, i know extra calories..)
1 slice of cake
5 satay sticks

I can't help it though, i like food too much.
Ugh, i will try harder to restrict myself tomorrow..

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


i get the need for separate male and female toilets.
i understand the need for separate guy and girl bedrooms.
I know that when you wash laundry you have to separate the whites from the colours.
i mean that's only logical.
What i CAN'T comprehend is the need for separate male and female laundry baskets, appropriately one blue and one pink.
I kid you not.
In Indonesia, well in my family anyway, i have been informed to drop my laundry in the pink basket as, yep that's right, male and female laundry is not done together.