live ur life, read mine (or just the parts i'm willing to share with you- a girls gotta have some privacy)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

outlook on life

you know how people always say, "oh this sucks," or "this is so boring" or "why is life so repetitive" well in my opinion, life is only boring and life is only repetitive if you just keep sitting back and jus keep trying ot describe how ur life is going on at the moment and keeping it that way.
If everyone just stopped worrying about whether their life is boring and actually go out and do something about it and live it, then life would lose its repetativeness and you must just have fun. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh i dont get it!????? :(


5:00 am

Blogger Vish said...

yay i updated my site for once

5:19 am


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