30 July 2005 (10:00am)
I spent the Day helping my sister with an experiment conducted by my uncle in his lab, and there were a couple of things I learnt from him (let’s just call my uncle the instructor):
· When your instructor explains something you can’t just say ‘okay’ you have to write notes.
· When your sister asks you to find a figure for her she expects you to stare at rows and columns of numbers and make sense of it all.
· Don’t bend down to look at the machines from eye level and don’t touch any cables or equipment. But if your instructor asks you where a cable leads to you’re not supposed to take a guess, you’re supposed to pick it up for him.
· When your instructors leaves the rooms for more than ten minutes you’re supposed to be diligently waiting- listening to your mp3 player and reading ‘Boy meets Girl’ doesn’t quite cut it.
· (this one’s news to me) Books are meant to be read in LIBRARIES not anywhere you want.
· It’s okay for your instructor to crack open a pack of biscuits but it’s not okay for you to even think about food. (but if your putting away sample in the freezer it’s still okay to gaze longingly at the ice-cream and occasionally steal a brownie)
· Nothing’s funny so don’t laugh.
· It’s not a good idea to examine your backside in a cupboard mirror, especially if he catches you doing so (this was not me!)